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Nigersuarus Pictures and Facts

Nigersaurus (the dinosaur with 500 teeth!)

Quick Nigersaurus Facts: -Lived during the middle Cretaceous period -Lived on the African continent -Was a sauropod -Was about 60 feet long -It had 500 teeth -Name means "Niger River Lizard"


Quick Centrosaurus Facts: - Lived in what is now known as Canada - Weighed as much as an Asian elephant - Had a nasal horn like a rhinoceros - Was about 2 car lengths long - May have traveled in large packs like buffalo do


Quick Dryosaurus Facts: - Was a car length long - Weighed approximately as much as an adult human male - Lived in what is now North America - Lived during Late Jurassic Period - Was an herbivore


Quick Gasosaurus Facts: - Was the subject of an online hoax - Weighed a little less than a lion - Lived in what is now China - Lived during mid-Jurassic period - Was a carnivore


Quick Bruhathkayosaurus Facts: - Lived in what is now known as India - As long as the Chicago Water Tower is high - Weighed as much as 20 elephants - Its name means "huge-bodied lizard" - Was an herbivore


Quick Camptosaurus Facts: - Lived in what is now known as Europe and North America - As long as 1/2 the length of a semi-trailer - Weighed as much as 2 Grizzly Bears - Its name means "flexible lizard" - Was an herbivore


Quick Giraffatitan Facts: - Weighs as much as 10 Asian elephants - About 4 times as long as a giraffe - Lived in what is now Africa - Lived during the Late-Jurassic period - Was an herbivore


Quick Procompsognathus Facts: - Lived in what is now known as Germany - Could run as fast as an ostrich - Weighed as much as a liter of water - Its name means "before elegant jaw" - Was an carnivore or insectivore


Quick Yangchuanosaurus Facts: - Lived in what is now known as China - Lived during the late Jurassic - Was approximately 3 car lengths long - Weighed as much as 2 adult giraffes - Was a carnivore


Quick Struthiomimus Facts: - Lived in what is now known as Canada and the United States - Lived during the Cretaceous period - Could run as fast as a gazelle - Weighed as much as a panda bear - Was an herbivore or an omnivore


Quick Saichania Facts: - Lived in what is now known as China - Lived during the late Cretaceous period - Was 2 car lengths long - Weighed as much as 2 giraffes - Was an herbivore


Quick Qijianglong Facts: - Lived in what is now known as China - Lived during the late Jurassic period - Was about 5 car lengths long - Its name means "Dragon of Qijiang" - Was an herbivore


Quick Shunosaurus Facts: - Lived in what is now known China - Lived during the middle Jurassic period - Was about 4 car lengths long - Weighed as much as 2 adult giraffes - Was an herbivore


Quick Nodosaurus Facts: - Lived in what is now known as North America - Lived during the early Cretaceous period - Was about 2 car lengths long - Weighed as much as 2 Grizzly Bears - Was an herbivore


Quick Astrodon Facts: - Lived in what is now known as the United States - Lived during the early to middle Cretaceous period - Was almost as long as 2 london buses - Weighed as much as 2-1/2 elephants - Was an herbivore - Is the State dinosaur of Maryland


Quick Achillobator Facts: - Lived in what is now known as Mongolia - Lived during the late Cretaceous period - Was almost as long as a london bus - Weighed as much as an Arabian horse - Was a carnivore
Citipati Apsaravis


Quick Citipati Facts: - Lived in what is now known as Mongolia - Lived during the late Cretaceous period - Had its young in a nest - Weighed as much as a pig - Was a carnivore


Quick Kosmoceratops Facts: - Lived in what is now known as North America - Lived during the late Cretaceous period - Has the most horns of any other dinosaur - Weighed almost as much as a rhino - Was an herbivore


Quick Sinornithosaurus Facts: - Lived in what is now known as China - Lived during the early Cretaceous period - As long as a yard stick - Weighed as much as a cat - Was a carnivore


Quick Sinosauropteryx Facts: - Lived in what is now known as China - Lived during the early Cretaceous period - Could run as fast as a greyhound - Weighed as much as a brick - Was a carnivore

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