Prehistoric Animals


Quick Gorgonops Facts: - Lived during the Late Permian Period - Lived in what is now Africa - Weighed as much as a cow - Was about as long as a great white shark - Was a carnivore


Quick Estemmenosuchus Facts: - Lived during the Late Permian Period - Lived in what is now Russia - Was about the length of a hippo - Was about the weight of a pig - Was an herbivore or omnivore


Quick Euparkeria Facts: - Lived during the Middle Triassic Period - Lived in what is now Africa - Was about the size of a house cat - May have run on its back legs - Was a carnivore


Quick Morganucodon Facts: - Lived during the Late Triassic Period - Lived in what is now Asia, Europe and North America - Weighed as much as a "AA" battery - Could run as fast as a mouse - Was an insectivore


Quick Megazostrodon Facts: - Lived from the Late Triassic Period through the Early Jurassic Period - Lived in what is now Africa - Weighed as much as a "AA" battery - Was an insectivore and/or herbivore - Could probably run as fast as a mouse


Quick Repenomamus Facts: - Lived from the Late Cretaceous Period - Lived in what is now Asia - Was the length of an armadillo - Weighed more than 2 gallons of paint - Was a carnivore


Quick Purgatorius Facts: - Lived from the Late Cretaceous Period - Lived in what is now North America - Was smaller than a squirrel - Lived in trees - Was an omnivore


Quick Dinofelis Facts: - Lived from the Pliocene Period through the Pleistocene - Lived in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America - Was about the size of a panther - Lept on prey from trees - Was a carnivore - May have hunted hominids


Quick Smilodon Facts: - Lived from the Early Pleistocene Period through the Modern Period - Lived in North America and South America - Was smaller than a modern lion - Ambushed prey from tree branches - Was a carnivore


Quick Proailurus Facts: - Lived from the Late Oligocene Period through the Early Miocene Period - Lived in Eurasia - Was a little larger than a modern cat - Weighed as much as a Dachshund dog - Was a carnivore


Quick Machairodus Facts: - Lived from the Late Miocene Period through the Modern Period - Lived in Africa, Eurasia and North America - About the size of a modern lion - Was a carnivore - Couldn't run quickly


Quick Homotherium Facts: - Lived from the Pliocene Period through the Modern Period - Lived in what is now North America, South America, Africa and Eurasia - About as long as a black panther - Was a carnivore - May have gone extinct due to human hunting, increased competition and climate change - Was adapted to high altitudes


Quick Megantereon Facts: - Lived from the Late Oligocene Period through the Pleistocene Period - Lived in Africa, North America and Eurasia - Was half the size of a North American mountain lion - Was a carnivore - May have hunted hominids


Quick Rodhocetus Facts: - Lived during the Early Eocene Period. - Lived of the coast of central Asia - Was about as long as a dolphin - Weighed more than a horse - Was a carnivore - Lived on a diet of fish and squids


Quick Dorudon Facts: - Lived during the Late Eocene Period. - Lived all around the world - 3 times longer than a Chinese alligator - Twice as heavy as an American alligator - Ate fish, smaller sharks and mollusks


Quick Pakicetus Facts: - Lived during the Early Eocene Period. - Lived around the shores of what is now India and Pakistan - About the size of dog - Lived entirely on land - Ate Fish


Quick Ambulocetus Facts: - Lived during the Early Eocene Period. - Lived around the shores of what is now India - About the size of an American alligator - Could live on land or in water - Was a carnivore


Quick Basilosaurus Facts: - Lived during the Late Eocene Period. - Fossils were made into furniture in the Southeastern U.S. - Had a bite 5 times more powerful than a Gray Wolves - Was longer than a semi-trailer - Weighed as much as a ship's anchor - Was a carnivore

Leviathan (Livyatan)

Quick Leviathan Facts: - Lived during the Miocene Period - Was longer than a semi-trailer - Weighed as much as 6 elephants - Had sharp teeth that were almost as long as a bowling pin - Was probably as fast as a blue whale - Was a carnivore - Lived on a diet of small whales, dolphins and prehistoric seals


Quick Megaladapis Facts: - Lived from the Pleistocene Period through the Modern Period - Lived in Madagascar - Looks a lot like a sloth - Was shorter than a refrigerator - Weighed as much as an octopus - May have been the origin of the Big Foot legend

Popular Dinosaurs

Popular Prehistoric Animals