Dinosaur Facts

FAQ about dinosaurs, like: when they lived, sizes, weight, speed, eating habits, natural environment, character and so on…

Feathered Dinosaurs

Feathered Dinosaurs

Feathered dinosaurs have been a debate almost as long as the discovery of dinosaurs. While many paleontologists believed that dinosaurs were reptilian, there were some who...

Flying Dinosaurs

While some people consider Pterodactyls to be flying dinosaurs, that is really not the case. In actuality, these are flying reptiles. Sure, they came on to...

What Did Dinosaurs Eat?

When some people look at dinosaurs, they either see them as big, dumb plant-eaters—kind of like giant cows—or they see them as ferocious meat eaters that...

Where Did Dinosaurs Live?

A question that is often frequently asked is “Where did dinosaurs live?”. A simple answer to that question is that dinosaurs lived all over the Earth....

Dinosaur Extinction

Anyone who learns about dinosaurs can't help but become fascinated with dinosaur extinction. After all, these magnificent and sometimes scary animals ruled the Earth for millions...

Dinosaur Names

In 1842, an English biologist named Sir Richard Owen coined the term “dinosaurs,” a name that means “terrible lizard.” This name was a combination of two...

Types Of Dinosaurs

If you asked the average person what types of dinosaurs existed, then they would probably name some of the more well known dinosaurs. For instance, they...

Popular Dinosaurs

Popular Prehistoric Animals